"Karate begins and ends with Courtesy."
- gichin funakoshi
Always be respectful to others. NO fighting, swearing or use of foul language.
Please keep your hands to yourself unless doing in class drills. Respect personal space.
Bow when you enter and exit the Academy training floor.
Karate is for defense only.
Be on time for class, dressed and ready to train.
Talking should be kept to a minimum level and should relate to the class subject.
Patiently raise your hand if you have a question.
Basic hygiene is important, please shower. Keep fingernails/ toenails neatly trimmed.
Wash your gi uniform at least once a week.
All jewelry, piercings, necklaces and other items should be removed during training.
No bullying or use of bullying tactics to isolate another person or property.
Please do NOT come to class if you are sick.
Parents, please pick up your kids on time.
Any type of discrimination will not be tolerated.
Sportsmanship is important in our Academy, everyone is learning. Please control your emotions.